Rich Nathan is the founding pastor of Vineyard Columbus. Rich was the first Senior Pastor serving from 1987–2020. Prior to becoming senior pastor, Rich taught business law at The Ohio State University for five years.He is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, and received his Juris Doctorate with honors from The Ohio State University College of Law in 1980. Rich served on the National Board for Vineyard USA for more than two decades. Rich now serves on the Board of Christian relief agency, Convoy of Hope. He is a popular national and international conference speaker.Rich co-authored Both And (IVP Books, 2013) with Insoo Kim as well as Empowered Evangelicals (Ampelon Revised 2009) with Ken Wilson. Rich is also the author of Who is My Enemy? Welcoming People the Church Rejects (Zondervan, 2002). He has written numerous articles on leadership in publications such as Leadership Magazine.Rich was born and raised in New York City. He and his wife, Marlene, have been married for over 40 years. They have two children and six grandchildren.