
Homiletics: The Art of Preaching

Casting Vision
Homiletics: Why Preaching?
Lecture 1
The Challenge of Contemporary Preaching
Lecture 2
Preaching Christ to Post-moderns
Lecture 3
Bridge Building Through Expository Preaching
Lecture 4
The Preacher
Lecture 5
Preparation and Purpose
Lecture 6
Essential Elements of Preaching
Lecture 7
Evangelism, Stupid Stuff & Preparing to Teach
Lecture 8

Church Growth

Building a Growing Church, Part 1
Lecture 1a
Building a Growing Church, Part 1 (cont.)
Lecture 1b
Building a Growing Church, Part 2
Lecture 2a
Building a Growing Church, Part 2 (cont.)
Lecture 2b
The Growing Church (David Parker)
Lecture 3a
The Growing Church (David Parker) cont.
Lecture 3b
Connecting with the Disconnected & the Ingredients of an Outward Church
Lecture 4a
Connecting with the Disconnected & the Ingredients of an Outward Church (cont.)
Lecture 4b