Putting Children at the Center

November 7, 2013

The Jesuits famously boasted: “Give me a child for the first seven years, and I will give you a man!” They understood that the easiest way to shape a person for a lifetime is to impact them while they are still young.

Scientists have observed that the brains of children are psychologically primed for religion. (This makes sense if the world was, as the Bible claims, made by God and that people are made in God’s image. It suggests that God wants people to have a relationship with Himself from earliest childhood!)  

Jesus put children at the very center of His activity in this world. Matthew writes:

He called a little child and had him stand among them. And He said: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea” (Matthew 18:2-6).

Jesus asks, do you want to enter God’s kingdom? Become like little children! Do you want to be great in God’s eyes? Then become like little children. Do you want to welcome and receive Jesus? Then welcome little children. Do you want to avoid judgment at God’s hand? Then don’t lead little children astray. Do you want to identify with God’s plans? Then don’t despise little children!

Yet, the sad truth is that most evangelical churches in America still have not grasped what the Jesuits understood, what scientists observe and what Jesus taught us, namely, to put children at the center! A couple of years ago, Marlene and I were on vacation with our granddaughter, Naomi. We typically like to attend church even when we are on vacation, so we planned all of Saturday to attend a mega-church near the apartment where we were staying.

On our way to church I talked to my granddaughter about the importance of worshipping God even when we are on vacation. We arrived at the church a bit early and we were stopped by one of the ushers, who asked: “How old is your child?” I told her that Naomi was 8-years old. She said: “Children under 12 are not really permitted in our adult service. But we have a children’s ministry for them.” I realized that I was somehow breaking their rules, so I smiled and gently explained: “I’m a pastor; my granddaughter is very used to church. She is extremely quiet and very well behaved.” And we took our seats.

Apparently, our violation of this mega-church’s rules was considered so serious that the head usher was sent to call me out of my seat just as worship began. He said: “How old is that child?” I explained again that Naomi was very well behaved and would, in no way, be a distraction to any of the adults. He said: “I’m sorry, but having your child here would set a dangerous precedent for our church! We don’t want anything to distract from the preaching of the Word of God!” He offered us two options: either Naomi could go to children’s ministry, or we could sit in a separate room for families with kids and watch the sermon via closed-circuit TV.

At that point I was so angry I said: “Just forget it.” He handed me a printed document from the senior pastor (apparently this problem had arisen before and so they had a glossy brochure to address major Rule-Violators like the Nathan family). The pastor explained the families like mine, who visited the church, ought to be willing to serve others by not having their children in the sanctuary. Apparently the church serving guests by accommodating the guests’ children was not considered! I will mercifully close this scene by not describing what I said to Marlene about this famous mega-church.

Fortunately, there are some people who understand Jesus’ desire to not push children to the margins. Wess Stafford, the President of Compassion International, often says that when God has something REALLY important to do, something that he couldn’t entrust to adults, He uses children. Stafford writes: God seems to pause, rub his hands together, smile warmly, and say, “I need someone really powerful for this task. I know…I’ll use a child.”

Consider Samuel, who was just a child when God needed a prophet to deliver a difficult message to the High Priest, or Josiah, who was just a boy when God used him to reform the religious and moral state of Israel (2 Kings 22). Or consider Esther, who was an orphan girl likely in her early teens, who became the queen through whom God saved the Jewish people from annihilation (Esther 2).

Surveys in America confirm what the Jesuits understood, what Jesus taught, what brain science demonstrates and what modern missionaries have learned, namely, that the vast majority of people in America become Christians before age 18. And while the surveys differ, most suggest that something like 90% of all decisions for Christ come before age 18. By that age one’s spiritual identity is largely set in place. The window for receptivity to the gospel message significantly closes after childhood.

What does all of this mean? If we as a church want to impact our world, we must devote greater resources and our best people to the evangelization and discipleship of children and youth. Our church planting and missions strategies also must put children at the center.

What might this mean for you?

  1. Consider serving in Vineyard Columbus’ Children’s Ministry (VineyardKids), or our Middle School or High School Ministry (FUSION). By doing so, you are not just “babysitting” or being “especially sacrificial” or “heroic.” You are actually serving the people that Jesus considered most important and most receptive to the Kingdom of God.
  2. Consider opening your home for a Middle School or High School Bible Study. Marlene and I led a high school Bible study for five years in our home. There is no doubt that this was the most fruitful small group we ever led in terms of Kingdom impact.
  3. Consider whether God might call you to lead the Children’s Ministry or children’s outreach for one of our church plants, or in world missions. If you want to see more of God’s Kingdom, focus on children.
  4. If you have children, don’t wait until they’re older to lead them to Jesus or disciple them in Christian faith. Children are wired to have a relationship with Christ. Cooperate with children’s God-given wiring by investing in their spiritual lives while the window is still open!