Some Simple Ways To Pray – Using a Prayer Journal

August 18, 2013

I'll keep this brief, but another thing that I’ve done to encourage my own prayer life is to keep a little prayer journal listing all the people and situations that I am praying for. I know myself and when I say that I will pray for someone, if I don't write it down, I will forget and not remember to pray for them.

So I went to Barnes and Noble and got a little moleskin book that I can put in my pocket, or in my briefcase.  I write down in the book the names of people that I’m praying for, situations that I’m praying about. I record the date when I began to pray for that person.  And underneath I record how God answered that prayer. Oftentimes, when we pray for someone or about a situation, we don't follow-up to see what God has done! This reminds me to do that and it becomes a  great encouragement to see how God is answering my prayers.