Statement by the Lausanne Theology Working Group on Prosperity Gospel

June 3, 2011

I've been preaching for the last few weeks from a sermon series entitled "Myths That Christians Believe." This past weekend ( May 28 - 29) my sermon title was:

"Is It God’s Will For You To Be Wealthy, Healthy and Happy?"

Below is the statement on Prosperity Gospel by the Lausanne Theology Working Group that recently met in Ghana:


It is our overall view that the teachings of those who most vigorously promote the “prosperity” gospel are false and gravely distorting of the Bible, that their practice is often unethical and unChristlike, and that that impact on many churches is pastorally damaging, spiritually unhealthy, and not only offers no lasting hope, but may even deflect people from the message and means of eternal salvation. In such dimensions, it can be soberly described as a false gospel..........Lausanne Theology Working Group