Take a Risk: Invite Someone To Become Fully Alive

February 27, 2017

Do you know people in your life who are stuck going through the motions? Is someone in your family struggling spiritually? Do you have a co-worker who always talks about getting in shape but keeps falling off the wagon? Do you have a neighbor who is lonely and is longing for connection?

This upcoming Fully Alive campaign is for them and for you! Throughout the six weeks of the campaign we will have practical, accessible teachings about how to thrive in this life. My prayer is that this campaign will transform not just our congregation, but our community as well. For this to happen, I need you to take a small risk and invite someone to explore what it means to be Fully Alive.

The best way to invite your friends, co-workers, family, and neighbors into this campaign is for you to personally HOST a group. I have created six weeks of video curriculum to guide your time together. The teachings are very accessible for both believers and non-believers. They will help you to have great conversations as a group about how to live healthy, fulfilled lives.

HOSTing a group is not a huge commitment. It is a structured way to invite 2-3 people to grow together with you. We'll provide everything you need to invite people into what God is doing through our church. I know it can be hard to take a risk and to invite someone. We all fear rejection! But the truth is, we need to take a chance and invite people to experience the hope we have in Jesus.

One of our high school students took a leap of faith during the campaign last year and invited her classmates to come to a group at 7am before school started! In our February MIX, you can read the story of a man who looked through his phone contacts and invited acquaintances to a group in his workplace.

Invite 2-3 friends to do the study with you and learn more about becoming Fully Alive. Can you imagine the impact if just a thousand people in our congregation and community started an intentional journey toward holistic health? Wouldn't it be worth it to see people to start moving more and eating less? Can you picture hundreds of lonely people being drawn into community? We want to see our church and our community transformed as they experience a full life in Jesus.

Sign up here to HOST: http://www.vineyardcolumbus.org/default.aspx?page=3549#host