Every two years, Vineyard Columbus takes a survey of our congregation. Our most recent survey was taken in April 2016. What did we discover about our church?
I was talking to a young couple recently about the rising age of church planters in the Vineyard movement. Thirty years ago, the average Vineyard church planter was in their late 20s. Now, they are in their 40s. I made one of those off-handed Baby Boomer remarks to them: “It seems to me that lots of Millennials are afraid to push out of the nest! They just won’t strike out on their own and risk like we did when we were in our 20s!”
I came to Christ at a Passover dinner when I was 18 years old. The Passover dinner was part of a fellowship meeting led by a man in his 50s named Don. Don had a very troubled past. He was an alcoholic. He and his wife would frequently fight over Don’s abuse of alcohol. One night when he was severely depressed, he decided to kill himself by driving his car onto some railroad tracks in front of a train. Don waited in his car by the railroad crossing. As the train came in sight, Don stepped on the gas and drove his car directly into the path of the oncoming train. The conductor had no time to stop. Right before the train struck Don’s car, Don put up his hands and cried out, “Jesus, save me!” The train struck the front of Don’s car, shearing the entire front end off. Don was left with just some scratches on his hands. Shortly after that, Don was saved at an evangelistic meeting and became one of the kindest, most gentle people I have ever had the privilege of knowing.
In the upcoming election, the question that ought to be on the hearts of all Christian believers is, "How should I approach my voting decision?" About 25 years ago, Stanley Hauerwas and William Willimon wrote a book provocatively titled, "Resident Aliens." "Resident Aliens"had to do with the way that we Christians understand our fundamental identity and our calling in contemporary America. The idea behind this title, "Resident Aliens," came from a quote from the Apostle Paul: "But our citizenship is in heaven" (Philippians 3:20-21). In other words, our primary identity is not as Ohioans or Americans. As Christians we are first and foremost citizens of the kingdom of God.
This year Vineyard Columbus is engaged in an all-church campaign called The Good Life during the season of Lent. Our goal was to double the number of small groups here at Vineyard Columbus. By God’s grace, we were able to do that! Over 400 people signed up to host new groups designed for those who are in our church, but not presently attending a small group, and those who are outside our church, whether they are Christian or non-Christian.
This text from Proverbs 31 is often cited by Christian pro-lifers in support of the lives of the unborn. And rightly so! But many pro-lifers have been deafeningly silent concerning the plight of Syrian refugees. Indeed, many of the most conservative Christian organizations and politicians have opposed admitting Syrian refugees, even children and the elderly, to the United States because of security concerns.
Have you ever read some of the actual excuses people have given after being pulled over by the police: “Oh, I thought the sign I-95 meant the speed limit. Glad you didn’t catch me on State Route 210 earlier!”
With the holidays coming, many of us live with significant levels of discontent. Why is our family the way it is? Why must we struggle to make ends meet? Why don’t we experience gratitude and peace instead of stress and anxiety? In Philippians 4, the Apostle Paul says, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”
Do you know anyone who makes you crazy? I pastor a church of over 8,000 people. Do you think there may be a few crazy-making people among the 8,000? I work on a staff of over 200 people. Even though we’re all Christians, we can make one another crazy as we try to work together and try to pastor the 8,000.
Good morning. My name is Rich Nathan. I’m pastor of Vineyard Columbus which is a large multi-ethnic church on the eastside of Columbus in Westerville. The church averages about 8000 attendees each weekend. I’ve been the pastor of Vineyard Columbus from the beginning, so I’ve been pastoring for 28 years.